Sheena Metal is a psychic/medium, spiritual counselor, intuitive and emotional empath, who specializes in personal vibrational motivation, soul enlightenment and energetic healing. She is also an interfaith minster, (a staff pastor at, a teacher, a motivational speaker and is, herself, a paranormal survivor. A 28-year talk radio veteran, in the Los Angeles area, Sheena is the host of the paranormal/spiritual “Haunted Playground” and the uplifting “Raising the Vibration” for the Live Paranormal Radio Network ( and, additionally, hosts three video web broadcasts, for LP’s video channel. She is also the founder of, a non-profit peace, love, kindness, unity movement and a lifelong creative presence (actor/ writer/ director/ producer/c omic), in the the Los Angeles entertainment community. New newest venture is the web TV talk show, “The Sheena Metal Experience”, on KGRA Digtial Broadcasting Network, where she combines both her spiritual and entertainment tribes, to discuss spirituality, creativity, humanity, passion and service.
Spiritual Salad Bar
August 03, 2022
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