Sal Skog is a photojournalist and a transgender ally and activist. Through her new project, Transgender Proud, she is documenting personal stories and making portraits to celebrate the trans community and to educate others about what it means to be transgender.
As many states are now enacting anti-trans bills, and incidents of trans bullying are increasing, this project is timely and important. Skog hopes to promote much-needed understanding of trans people and celebrate their journeys.
The inspiration for the project began when Skog’s second-grade daughter told her she wanted to marry a girl. Since then, she’s immersed herself in learning about LGBTQ+ issues through numerous personal stories, books, documentaries, and news articles.
Portraits and stories from the project are currently posted on her Instagram page, @celebrate_trans, and will eventually be published. She is also accepting speaking engagements at churches, schools, and community centers.
Aired last: February 22, 2023
Transgender Stories