Jodi St. Onge is a certified trained energy master teacher healer, trained in various healing modalities and techniques, including Reiki, Karuna, New Paradigm Multidimensional Healing (formerly Shamballa MDH) and a Certified ThetaHealing Instructor and Advanced Practitioner, Crystal Healer, Sound Healer and Spirit Medium. Her journey in healing began when she was a child, with vivid memories of visits from Angels and Spirits from the Spirit World. As a child, Jodi would practice hands on healing on the children in the neighborhood. This wasn’t something she was exposed to or taught. Jodi just instinctually knew that by placing her hands on an area of the body in need, that they would feel better. This became an interest and passion that would follow her through her teens. Jodi began her training in the metaphysics and healing in her twenties, becoming a Reiki Practitioner at 24, and Master Teacher by 28 years old. This led her to explore various types of healing techniques from all over the world, training with International Mediums and Healers from all over the world. As her passion for healing, and all things metaphysical grew. She continued to train, and began to treat people professionally, openings up a healing center and healing clinic; which she ran for over 10 years, treating various forms of dis-ease. She is an author of the Everything Love Book Series, has been a featured Guest on WATD Radio, CCATV, and a guest on various holistic shows and networks on public television in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Jodi performs locally in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, sharing in messages from loved ones and teachings on ThetaHealing. She has an office in Kingston Mass and travels out to different healing centers in and around the South Shore and South Coast Massachusetts. She sees people privately, both in person and virtually for private readings and private energy healings from Reiki to ThetaHealing. Jodi works closely with her clients to help them achieve their goals in healing, and works to create a healing program that is perfect for them and their needs. She specializes in healing trauma, anxiety, grief and loss, physical healing from chronic pains, migraines, and illness associated with various auto immune diseases and cancer. As an instructor, she holds classes regularly, throughout the year, in ThetaHealing ®, Reiki, Mediumship and Meditation. For more information about Jodi St.Onge and to schedule a consult, healing or reading, email You can find Jodi on FB under Jodi Griffin St. Onge
Theta Healing
July 11, 2022